
About The Ranch
*Location*: The Ranch is located near Bellfountain, Oregon, in the foothills of the coast range, about halfway between Corvallis and Eugene. We are located in the transition zone from agricultural lands into timberlands, and as such have the beauty of hills full of timber as well as beautiful open fields. We share our farm with various wildlife, including deer, coyotes, bobcats, cougars, bears and many smaller critters such as rabbits and squirrels.
*Crops Raised:* Our primary focus is on the production of hazelnuts and livestock, and as such we intensively manage our pastures with a combination of grass and legumes for maximum production. On the areas of the ranch which are not farmable, we have several small mixed stands of timber ranging from a few years old to nearly mature.
*Angus Cattle*: Our cattle are all purchased from local producers which we work with to assure they meet our standards for production methods, and are all either purebred angus or angus cross beef. We raise Angus cattle because we believe they produce the highest quality beef.